About the Joshua Tree Learning Centre

A multidisciplinary, collaborative practice grounded in research.

About the Joshua Tree Learning Centre

The Joshua Tree Learning Centre is a multidisciplinary, collaborative practice grounded in researchthat implements exemplary learning plans for individuals with a variety of disabilities and mental health needs.
The Joshua Tree Learning Centre invests in people, diversity, and inclusiveness, while incorporating a holistic, interactive, therapeutic educational philosophy, with an emphasis on ability and strengths.
Our goal is to empower parents and children through education and therapist support.
The Joshua Tree Learning Centre delivers:
  • counselling
  • psycho-educational assessment
  • educational programs 
  • speech and language therapy
These programs include:
  • remedial reading, writing, and math learning programs
  • homework support
  • workshops for parents, children, and professionals
We are pleased to collaborate and consult with ancillary professionals to create holistic learning plans grounded in research and a strength-based philosophy.

It is our goal that The Joshua Tree Learning Centre become a “shared educational forum”

to contribute expertise, resources and support for individuals with disabilities and mental health needs and their families who support them.

Office Hours

Joshua Tree Learning Centre

Monday: 8:00AM - 9:00PM

Tuesday: 8:00AM - 9:00PM

Wednesday: 8:00AM - 9:00PM

Thursday: 8:00AM - 9:00PM

Friday: 8:00AM - 9:00PM

Saturday: 9:00AM - 2:00PM

Sunday: CLOSED

Telephone Service Available
Monday - Thursday
8:00AM - 12:00 NOON
1:00PM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 2:30PM  

Cancellation Process
We require a full 24-hour notice for all cancellations and rescheduling. Clients who provide less than a full 24-hour notice or who miss their appointment will be charged the full rate of the missed session.

Joshua Tree Learning Centre - Regina, Saskatchewan

The Joshua Tree

We can learn a lot from the Joshua Tree

The Joshua Tree has learned
to adapt and change.|

Joshua Trees have developed a suite of adaptations to survive and thrive, despite the harsh conditions of the desert. They are an important part of the ecosystem and provide much needed resources for other species that live there. As a result, the Joshua Tree has become a symbol of resilience and hope. It is our goal at The Joshua Tree Learning Centre to provide a place of hope and encouragement, while nurturing individual strengths and abilities. We believe all minds have something important to contribute to our world and we want to be a part of that journey.

The Joshua Tree Learning Centre is dedicated to the memory of Joshua Moffatt.

Joshua, my youngest brother, was born in May, 1982 and passed away in August, 2000. Joshua loved life and was committed to achieving his potential, despite the challenges he sometimes faced. From a young age, I learned the power of a holistic, collaborative approach to supporting Joshua meet his potential, and I was honoured to be a part of his team.

Joshua achieved what many thought he wouldn’t. With the support of a loving family, a team of caring professionals, assistive technology, and a “two thumbs up” attitude from Joshua, he not only achieved his goals, but surpassed them. He provided the world with the gifts of laughter, unconditional love, patience, and hope. He taught us to slow down, communicate honestly and love freely and openly. Isn’t it interesting how an individual with “disabilities” became one of the biggest influences in my life.